Want the Best Golf ‘Job’ in the World?


Ever dreamt of a job where you just play golf? You could be about to swing into that dream post. We are offering one lucky individual a golf job with a difference, albeit it’s not an official job and only temporary for two weeks but who cares right?!Scotland is ‘The Home of Golf’; it’s where the game began and is one of the best, if not the best golfing destination on the planet.
We’re looking for the right candidate to play golf in all 7 golfing regions around Scotland in a golf extravaganza. Playing some of the best courses, unearthing unique golf experiences, sampling our amazing Scottish hospitality, food, drink and lots more.
We are now accepting applications for this two week ‘job’ where you will travel the country playing golf along the way. What’s the catch? Just a small one – we have to make you work a little by creating amazing content on the courses, at the places you stay, where you eat out and areas you explore, all for you to put together a golfer’s dream come true Golf Guide to Scotland.
The lucky winner will play a Ryder Cup Venue, a course where The Open began, the Number two course in the world as voted by Golf Digest plus many more.
To apply we need you to create a short video reviewing your own course or any course in the most fun way (video should be 60 – 90 seconds long) you can use drone footage, phones, cameras or whatever works best for you.
Let’s see your presenting skills by applying here http://www.visitscotlandgolf.com/bestgolfjob
Now go check out our short promo video above and get inspired!
**The Job:**
•Play 2 rounds of golf in each of the 7 regions and bring your best golfing friend along.
•14 rounds & 14 days in total.
•Visit other golf courses in area and find out some info for the interested golfing visitors.
•Explore some of the areas 19th hole offering for the best of food and drink.
•Create Vlogs for YouTube as well as Instagram posts and stories throughout each day and any other forms of media you can think of.
•Create a complete Golf Guide on completion of the trip; this will be through a blog as well as YouTube video of your adventure in Scotland Home of Golf.
•All golf tee times and lunch at the courses are provided for as will B&B accommodation and car hire/ travel to Scotland.
•You will receive an allowance of £750.00GBP each for the duration off your trip.
•Goes live on July 9th.
•Applications close 27th July.
•Winner announced 3rd August.
•Two weeks in Scotland starts on Saturday 1st – Sunday 16th September.
*All T&Cs available http://www.visitscotlandgolf.com/bestgolfjob*
This Campaign is a collaboration of the 7 regional golf marketing groups which work together as www.visitscotlandgolf.com to promote Scotland, The Home of Golf. These groups are industry led developing golf tourism in Scotland.
Ayrshire Golf Scotland http://www.ayrshiregolfscotland.com
Carnoustie Country http://www.carnoustiecountry.com
Golf Highlands http://www.golfhighlands.com
Golf Aberdeen http://www.golfaberdeen.com
Golf Perthshire http://www.golfperthshire.com
Golf East Lothian http://www.golfeastlothian.com
Fife Golf http://www.visitfifegolf.com
*Also partners in the group are:*
Visit Scotland, PGA of Scotland, Scottish Golf, Scottish Enterprise, The Scottish Government & SIGTOA (Scottish Inbound Golf Tour Operator Association)
Website: http://www.visitscotlandgolf.com
Campaign page: http://www.visitscotlandgolf.com/bestgolfjob
Contact: [email protected]
Media info and imagery/video: [email protected]

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Dermot Synnott
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