DG Spain 2019


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Thinking about going to Spain for your next golfing holiday in 2019 or 2020? Before you go, be sure to read our Top100 guide to the best golf courses and hotel options that we recommend for golf travellers, published in association with the Spanish Tourist Office (Turespana).
>Our Spanish golf guide will give you an insight into golf and tourism in the main golf regions of: Andalucia Region (Malaga, Cadiz, Almeria, Granada, Seville, Huelva), Murcia Region, Valencia Region (Alicante,Valencia, Castellon), Catalonia Region (Tarragona, Barcelona, Girona), Madrid, Canary Islands (Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Lanzarote) and the Balearic Islands (Mallorca).

Tour Operators – Barcelona Golf http://www.barcelonagolf.com
Tour Operators – Teetimes http://www.spaingolf.holiday
Canary Islands – Golf Costa Adeje http://www.golfcostaadeje.com
Canary Islands – Gran Canaria Golf http://www.grancanariagolf.com
Canary Islands – Tenerife Golf http://www.webtenerife.com/golf
Balearic Islands – Alcanada GC http://www.golf-alcanada.com
Balearic Islands – Golf Bendinat http://www.realgolfbendinat.com
Balearic Islands – Santa Ponsa Golf http://www.golf-santaponsa.com
Balearic Islands – Golf Son Servera http://www.golfsonservera.com
Balearic Islands – Arabella Golf http://www.arabellagolfmallorca.com
Balearic Islands – Pula Golf http://www.pulagolf.com/en/
Andalucia – Costa del Sol Tourist Board http://www.visitcostadelsol.com/golf
Andalucia – Atalaya http://www.atalaya-golf.com
Andalucia – Anoreta http://www.anoretagolf.es
Andalucia – Sunset Beach Hotel http://www.sunsetbeachclub.com
Andalucia – Santa Clara GC http://www.santaclaragolfmarbella.com
Andalucia – Marbella Golf & CC http://www.marbellagolf.com
Andalucia – Parador Malaga http://www.parador.es
Andalucia – El Chaparral http://www.golfchaparral.com
Andalucia – La Cala Resort http://www.lacala.com
Andalucia – Dona Julia http://www.donajuliagolf.es/en/
Andalucia – Santa Maria http://www.santamariagolfclub.com
Murcia – La Manga http://www.lamangaclub.com
Valencia – Visit Valencia http://www.visitvalencia.com
Valencia – La Finca http://www.lafincagolfresort.com
Valencia – Font del Llop http://www.fdlgolf.es
Valencia – Las Colinas http://www.lascolinasgolf.es
Valencia – Lo Romero http://www.loromerogolf.com
Catalunya – Real Club de Golf El Prat http://www.realclubdegolfelprat.com/en
Catalunya – Valleromanes http://www.clubdegolfvallromanes.com
Catalunya – Barcelona Golf Resort http://www.golfdebarcelona.com
Simply click on the web link of each golf course or hotel which will bring you directly from their advertisement direct to their website, where you will be able to get more information about them. Similarly with the email link, feel free to click on that should you wish to send a booking enquiry directly to our clients, they have some really great deals for clients of Destination Golf.
Enjoy our Guide, and enjoy Spain.
The Destination Golf Team.

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Dermot Synnott
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